Vincent Den Haese from Belgium, one of our bikers who is also a victim of the aftermath of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman's iconic film series "Long Way Round". In a positive sense, of course. It's amazing how many places I hear back to this day that this was the motivating force for someone to take up motorcycling, or go to adventure traveling. Vinny took it a little more seriously and since then you can't take him off the bike. To find out how this passion of his has taken him through his life, watch the interview below.
Adventure Bike Rider Interview:
What role does motorcycling play in your life and in your daily routine?
I’ve been riding for 20 years now. I ride between 40.000 and 50.000 kms a year. I go to work with the bike except when it’s cold and freezing or raining.

What was the moment or experience that started your passion for adventure motorcycling?
When I saw Long Way Round. This made me do my first big trip around Eastern Europe. I did 20 countries and 10000 kms in 6 weeks in 2009. In 2010 I went to Turkey, Armenia and Georgia For a 7 week trip.

What type of tours do you prefer?
I like to explore and not only go to the famous tourist places. I prefer riding solo most of my trips.

Solo or group trip?
Mostly solo. I had some bad experiences on my Silk Road trip with people that I didn’t know very well. Now I only take along guys that I know and have ridden with.

What has been your most memorable motorbike ride to date and why?
Pamir highway in Tadjikistan on my Silk Road trip was amazing but also my trips to Iceland and Nordkapp. This year I go back to Pamir and will continue to Mongolia.

How do you prepare for a long motorbike ride, do you have any special rituals or habits?
I always start to mark the sights on google maps and look for the roads I wanna ride. Then I also mark them on my paper maps. Planning on Google maps to see distances and time needed.

What type of bike do you use and why?
BMW R1200GS (LC) from 2014. Has 235000kms now and never let me down! I also have a R1250GS from 2021 that I use for commuting to my work.

What was your favourite bike?
My R1200GS of course. Been to so many places with this bike!

Dream bike?
I have it.

What equipment do you consider important to take with you that others might not think of?
I take some tools, medicines and layers. But not too much stuff. You can buy clothes everywhere if needed.

Do you have a favourite destination or country you would definitely like to return to?
Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

What are the biggest challenges you face on your tours?
Since I mostly ride solo sometimes I need to make a decision to turnaround and don’t take the risk. If something bad happens you’re on your own and the trip could be over!

What tips would you give to those who are also planning to do something similar but have not yet done it?
Just go for it and use common sense. Only take advice from people who’ve actually been there. Everywhere people are welcoming and I never felt unsafe anywhere.

What is the most important lesson you have learned about yourself or about life during your travels?
That most people in the West are too busy with work and material stuff. Traveling will broaden up your view on the world! Especially with a motorcycle people are always curious and will talk with you.

What are your plans and dreams for the future?
Touring some countries in South America like Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.

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